
Another Flash compiler

View the Project on GitHub adriancmiranda/flash-compiler

Flash Compiler

Another Flash compiler

Apache Flex SDK Adobe AIR SDK

Apache Flex SDK and Adobe AIR SDK are used for build, preview and test your binary files.

Android SDK iOS SDK

Android SDK and iOS SDK are used for emulate, preview and test your mobile binary files.

Grunt Gulp

Grunt or Gulp are used for build, preview and test your project.

Bower JAM

Bower or JAM are used for dependency management.


sh build [package] [mode] [options]


chmod +x build && ./build -help


double-click on it


    -swf (✓ Default: ShockWave Flash)
    -dmg (✓ Apple disk images)
    -app (✓ Application bundle)
    -apk (✓ Android application package file)
    -ipa (✖ iOS application) 
    -air (✓ Adobe Integrated Runtime)
    -exe (? Windows Executable file)
    -rem (✖ Blackberry Desktop Manager / Blackberry devices)


    -debug (✓ Default: Methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects)
    -release (✓ The public distribution of software code and support materials)


    -preview (✓ Opens compiled project)
    -server (✓ Compiles and opens localhost environment)
    -launch (✓ Opens localhost environment)
    -hml (✓ Opens homologation environment)
    -dev (✓ Opens staging environment)



Flash compiler is currently only compatible with MAC OS X. No guarantee, but I think that you can perform using cygwin on Microsoft Windows.


Bugs and issues should be reported via the issue tracker.


  1. Fork it.
  2. Run git checkout -b my-new-feature to create your feature branch.
  3. Run git commit -am 'Add some feature' to commit your changes.
  4. Run git push origin my-new-feature to push to the branch.
  5. Create new Pull Request.

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